Organic Miso Mugi
- Optimum time (season)
- −
- Shelf life/consumption date
- 6 months
- Quantity
- 500 g
- Suggested retail price
(tax included) - 840 yen
- Suggested retail price
- Quantity (box/case)
- 6 pieces
- Storage temperature range
- Room temperature, refrigerated after opening
- Minimum case delivery unit
- 10 cases
- Case size (Weight)
- L 327 x W 223 x H 111 mm (3.4 kg)
- Certification / Approval of
Certification Body
(product, factory, etc.) - "Organic JAS Choko Shoyu Miso cooperative union Omura Factory FSSC22000, ISO22000".
- Certification / Approval of
- Product features
Spécificités du produit (Qualités organoleptiques/nutritionnelles, origine géographique, méthode de fabrication spécifique)
Product features (information about taste and nutrients, special production/manufacturing methods/specialties of the production location)
Organic ingredients are used, and JAS organic certification is available. Organic products are safe and reliable to use.
- Instructions/advice on how to use and to eat.
Mode de consommation / Suggestion d'utilisation (Instructions/advice on how to use and to eat.)
You can use it for miso soup, pork miso soup, or eat with vegetables.
Choko Shoyu CO., LTD.
- Name of Representative
- Eiichiro Nishi
- Number of employees
- 94 people
- Company Location
- 2-7 Nishizaka-cho, Nagasaki City
- Factory Address
- 815 Mizorikucho, Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture
- Contact Person
- Keichu Tei
- E-mail address